God is Agnostic

Skhumbuzo Ngubo
2 min readMay 9, 2021

I am not a religious person. There’s a long answer as to why; we’ll get into some of it a little bit in a minute, but the short answer is religion is about rules and I am not. I don’t like rules. I debate them. I debate everything. It’s a problem, actually. Even non-debatables. Why are they non-debatable? Let’s debate their debatability.


I have been going on a bit of a spiritual journey as of late. And by spiritual, I mostly mean broke. I suppose there is some divine virtue in poverty. But not much. It’s overrated, trust me.

And this journey has, inevitably lead me to God. Not so much God the person, but God the question (A 13-year-old asked me why poor people always say “God will provide” when you ask them for money). Is there a God? Does he have a plan? Is he just winging it? Why does he have to be a he? Can’t God be a she? Maybe God is a couple. Or transgender. If we’re truly created in God’s image, then God would have to be both a man and a woman, no?

In my money poor, spirit rich journey, I met a man down in Cape Town named Ross (shout out to Ross the Boss. Ross Rubin. The Ross-man). He introduced me to the concept of Sikhism, which teaches that God has no form or gender and is beyond time and space. That all the different religions are just different takes on the same story. Which, I believe, is a nice way of saying God doesn’t care.

God doesn’t give a damn what you call him… or her… or them… or it. God doesn’t care what prescribed manner you choose to worship. Truth be told, it really doesn’t matter. As long as you do what feels right to you, without affecting anyone else’s right to do the same. And what I feel is right is following my own path. Finding my own way. I believe in trial and error. Continuous improvement. My religion is change.

Beyond that, there are no rules, really. We’re all just tryna figure this shit out. So, why step all over someone else’s beliefs along the way? I feel like, if God would judge you for anything, it would be for doing that.



Skhumbuzo Ngubo

Human becoming… Also I do stuff and sometimes I write stuff too